Training for VMMC

Bophelo Pele Refresher Course for VMMC Clinicians have obtained CPD accreditation, annually renewable, through the Wits Health consortium in October 2020. The accreditation number is: MDB08/006/11/2020.  This training Course is based on the NDOH VMMC guidelines, as well as the Online Training Hub (OTH) materials.  Bophelo Pele directors were extensively involved in the development of the initial training materials based on WHO VMMC guidelines. This was used in South Africa prior to availability of NDOH and Pepfar guidelines.  The new revised course offered here by Bophelo Pele take all of this experience into account while ensuring that the South African guidelines are appropriately covered.  The Course includes both theoretical and practical training on updated policies, such as universal Dorsal Slit procedure, the anaesthetic dosing chart, identification, classification, management and reporting of AEs.  Our refresher trainings are provided in-house, by our well-seasoned Master Trainers for the soul purpose of keeping our clinicians and network GPs up-to-date.  These trainings are self-funded by our organization, and are currently only offered to our clinical team and our network GP providers, but can be extended should the need arise.